Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Dear Morgan, How do I avoid “politics” in a science career? – MetaMorgan TV

A reader writes in with the question: "I've been putting my head down and working hard on my science for the past few years, trying to avoid "politics". Now a situation has come up that has forced me to realize that I'm not being recognized for the work that I did, and the politics are getting ugly. Will I always have to pay attention to politics in the future to avoid this?". Morgan takes this on using the example of one of her own "political" struggles.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Dead serious grant proposals = not how to write a grant – Meta Morgan TV

You sit down with palms sweaty against the keyboard, ready to write your next grant proposal to get your Big Idea (™) funded. You are dead serious and you let your reviewers know it, as you spew forth a stream of endless facts and figures about the wonderful work you do and will do. This is how to write a grant, right? You know that your proposal is very impressive, and therefore agencies like the NIH, NSF, and DOE will clamor to fund it, right? Morgan shatters your illusions in this episode of Meta Morgan TV.
by Morgan Giddings