Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

It’s not about the computers, it’s about the people – the NHGRI Planning meeting (MetaMorgan TV) Morgan was invited to participate in a meeting designed to give feedback to the NIH for the future of informatics for handling the flood of data from the "post genome" era of biology. It is a huge challenge. But in the meeting, the primary focus was all about the machines - hardware and software that it will take to get it done. I was a bit frustrated that there wasn't more about the "people" in the meeting, for reasons I discuss on the video.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Dead serious grant proposals = not how to write a grant – Meta Morgan TV

You sit down with palms sweaty against the keyboard, ready to write your next grant proposal to get your Big Idea (™) funded. You are dead serious and you let your reviewers know it, as you spew forth a stream of endless facts and figures about the wonderful work you do and will do. This is how to write a grant, right? You know that your proposal is very impressive, and therefore agencies like the NIH, NSF, and DOE will clamor to fund it, right? Morgan shatters your illusions in this episode of Meta Morgan TV.
by Morgan Giddings