Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Why is Graduate School Such a Struggle For So Many People? (Episode IV of Success Series) – MetaMorgan TV

In Part IV of the series on science career success, Morgan discusses graduate school, and the unique difficulty it presents to students who have just come from an undergraduate degree. This is closely related to the concepts of proactivity and independence that Morgan has been discussing throughout the series.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Quality versus Quantity when it comes to grant writing, which wins? – MetaMorgan TV

There are two distinct mindsets among many scientists about grant writing. One approach is to write many grants, to "play the odds". Necessarily, when quantity goes up, quality goes down. Another approach is to write less grants but of higher quality. These take more time, but may have better odds of getting funded. Which way do you think Morgan advocates for? Find out in today's episode of The Not So Boring Scientist. Leave a note in the comments if you disagree!
by Morgan Giddings