Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Is starting a science career a risk? Morgan responds to Zella Zanolli – MetaMorgan TV

In her video, "The Risk of Starting a Career in Science," Zella Zanolli talks about the frustrations of sacrificing everything for her science career, then struggling to find a good science position. This is sadly a common story. Does it mean you should give up on having a science career? As usual, Morgan provides a unique perspective on the question… watch the video to find out, and post your comments on the blog.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

The “law” of attraction, you, and your science – are they compatible?

Much ballyhoo has been made about the "law of attraction," especially through movies like "The Secret." The proponents of the "law" claim that it will help you manifest your desires. Sometimes it seems like a bit much on the vodoo side for the thinking scientist. But is there a gem in the rough to pay attention to here, that can help you achieve greater success? Morgan explores this, and relates it to the previous episode on fear.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Science ain’t a bisiness! (Science isn’t a business!) – MetaMorgan TV

Universities seem to have come to the notion that scientists are all just little producers of revenue, and that the whole endeavor is just one big business. In fact, I advocate that if you run your lab and career like a business, you'll be more successful. However, that doesn't mean that I agree that all of academia should turn into a big business, and today I have an ridiculous real-world example to illustrate that with.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Why science mentoring is important and at the same time problematic – MetaMorgan TV

Having good mentoring is vital to move forward in a science career. Today's careers are fraught with complexities that didn't previously exist, and navigating through those can be daunting without good advice. However, if you seek out mentors who are too close to the "outcome of the experiment" (that would be you and your career), you are risking problems.
by Morgan Giddings