Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Aiming for “perfection” in a science career, and the iPod as a metaphor – MetaMorgan TV

Scientists can be perfectionistic lot (or at least they start out that way before it is beaten out of them). This tendency results in career angst because it gets people into a mode where the perfect is the enemy of the very good. Papers will sit incomplete and unfinished, grant proposals will remain unwritten, and careers will remain stagnant. Morgan proposes an antidote by thinking about the evolution of the iPod.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Dear Morgan, How do I avoid “politics” in a science career? – MetaMorgan TV

A reader writes in with the question: "I've been putting my head down and working hard on my science for the past few years, trying to avoid "politics". Now a situation has come up that has forced me to realize that I'm not being recognized for the work that I did, and the politics are getting ugly. Will I always have to pay attention to politics in the future to avoid this?". Morgan takes this on using the example of one of her own "political" struggles.
by Morgan Giddings
Grant Writing with Morgan Giddings, PhD

Review of the Apple iPad from a scientist’s perspective (Part I) – MetaMorgan TV

Morgan reviews the Apple iPad, which holds a lot of promise as a great device for reading, editing, and sharing scientific manuscripts and books (and playing games, too!). Morgan discusses her first impressions of the iPad, including its lack of Flash, the ability to transfer applications from the iPhone/iPod, and its utility as a PDF book reader.
by Morgan Giddings